If you are thinking about business automation, then the first thing you should pay attention to is data room systems. There are a lot of different deal management systems on the market today. This article is an overview of the Merill Datasite VDR solution.

Merill Datasite: how does it work?

The market of digital data rooms offers entrepreneurs a wide range of customer relationship management software. These are both standard and personalized solutions adapted to the needs of a particular business. Merill Datasite is one of the leading software providers.

Datasite formerly Merrill Germany, is the market-leading SaaS provider for the M&A industry in German-speaking countries and part of the global Datasite group. With the Datasite portfolio, the company supports deal-makers worldwide in controlling transactions throughout the entire process using intelligent solutions. This software is suitable for investors (private equity, banks, etc.), M&A professionals (M&A consultants, due diligence professionals, lawyers, etc.), restructuring specialists (consultants, interim managers, lawyers, etc.) & financing experts (deb advisor, etc.).

Merrill Datasite streamlines the due diligence process by providing secure simultaneous access, full-text search capabilities, and robust reporting tools. Thousands of users worldwide can securely access important due diligence data via the Merrill DatsSite platform.

The software is based on the following modules:

  • sales management module;
  • management of current tasks;
  • automation of business processes;
  • analytics and reporting.

What are the software benefits?

The introduction of the Merill data room makes it possible to streamline some important business processes in the company. This tool helps to build an effective sales and marketing system, significantly improve customer relationships. Using the software product also allows you to increase the overall level of task performance and control the work of employees. This solution is especially effective for enterprises with a complex structure, working in several areas at once. However, small business owners can also use it.

So, Merrill Datasite has the following advantages:

  • Contact management

Customer base management is another of the main functions of any VDR system. It should contain as much information as possible about the company’s clients, including contact information, orders/deals/meetings/appeals, as well as all possible interactions between the company and its clients. It is important that VDR allows you to save all user activity in the database and provides options for quick search and filtering of this data. The contact management module as part of the Merill VDR platform may include additional options. For example, the built-in calendar will help you conveniently plan meetings and other events. Here you can also assign responsible managers, set up reminders, add contractors, and establish links between contacts.

  • Possibility of personnel management

 This system facilitates the work of performers and performers of the check. For the first, whose duties include the relationship with customers, planning of the tasks set will be carried out, the deadlines for their implementation will be indicated. For the manager who checks the work, you only need to log into the system and check the effectiveness of different departments of the company.

  • Automatic work with documents

Creating templates to fill and copying them will create templates that can be filled automatically. Therefore, when a transaction occurs, it is convenient for clients and managers to work with documents. The risk of making mistakes, in this case, is eliminated.

  • Single database

The VDR system allows you to store and group information about customers in one place, to which only authorized persons have access. This greatly reduces the entire customer service process, especially one that uses the company’s offer from time to time.